Ko te katoa o ngā tāngata e noho tūturu ana ki Rotorua nei, mē whiwhi kāinga e tika ana ki te āhua o tārātau noho me te pakeketanga o te tangata. Mē haumaru te noho a te tangata ki tōna anō hapori. I tēnei wā nei, e whakarahi ana, e panoni ana hoki tō tātau taonehipi nei, nā whai anō, kua pakaru mai he wā wehe ki te āhuatanga o ngā whare me ngā kāinga. He kaha nō te Kaunihera kia eke panuku ai wāna kaupapa katoa, me te mea hoki, kai a ia hoki te kaha hiahia ki te pērā. Kua rangahaua, kua whakatewhatewhahia e mātau te kaupapa kia kite pūahoaho ai me aha te Kaunihera ki te whakatutuki i wōna hiahia. Kua mōhio rānei mātau, koianei tonu te wā ki te hiki i te ahi. Mā te whakamoe ārainga kia tupu ai te rohe, te whakangao pūtea ki ngā mahi tūāpapa o te Kaunihera, te mahitahi ki te taha o ngā Iwi Kāinga me te Kawanatanga, me te whakapā atu ki te hapori e waihanga ai tātau katoa a Rotorua kaikanohi rau. E rere ana te rā ki a tātau ki te tārai, ki te whao he tāonehipi, he hapori, he wāhi taurikura ki wōna hunga noho, he rohe hāneanea ki te noho i wēnei wā nei, me te āpōpō, kia tautiakina ai e tātau wā tātau e arohanuitia ana.
Everybody in Rotorua deserves access to housing that suits their lifestyle and life stage, in a community that is safe to live in, with reliable infrastructure. Right now, our city is growing and changing and, like most cities, the impact of growth has led to a housing crisis. Council knows it can make a difference and is committed to facilitating change. We have undertaken research and planning to understand what we need to do. We know we need to act now, by removing development barriers, investing in infrastructure, partnering with central government and local iwi, and engaging our community to ensure we deliver a Rotorua that everyone can see themselves in. We have a real opportunity to build and shape a city and community that we can all be proud of, that meets our needs now, and in the future, and protects the things we all love.