Have your say on the proposed disposal of the Ranginui Street Reserve.
Summer tips & tricks, events, kids’ activities & summer Council service info.
Read about Rotorua's food & green waste collection service, coming July 2026.
Council to hear from Ministry of Health officials about fluoridation of water supplies.
Today's response to enquiry about Rotorua power outage
Today's response to enquiry about police Operation Trolley, and speed limit reversals
Today's response to enquiry about community gardens and community funding
Today's response to enquiry about police Operation Trolley
Reserve deemed surplus to requirements, Rotorua Museum update, stormwater consent, Worksafe charge dismissed and power cut update.
Rotorua Lakes Council statement following dismissal of case in Rotorua District Court today
Mayor Tania Tapsell and Councillors welcomed the new Rotorua Youth Council in a pōhiri today.
The food and green waste collection will be introduced in urban and some lakes areas in 2026
Information regarding information guidance on coping with reduced bin collections, focusing on health, safety, and hygiene for nappies/sanitary waste.
Information regarding evidence of 75% support for Lake Tarawera Scheme, required for $6.5M grant, rescinded in Aug 2022.
Information regarding whether Council has issued invoices to East Rotoiti/Rotomā ratepayers for the sewerage scheme, and confirm the amount on the invoice.
Information regarding the housing needs and developments in the Rotorua district.