Applying for a Building Consent
Commercial and industrial consents
To apply for a building consent for commercial or industrial building work, you must complete:
- Form 2: Building Consent Application PDF, 113KB. Note: Vetting checklists are now included on application form
- Form 6: Code Compliance Certificate Application PDF, 108KB
Include two copies of all information (including specifications, plans, relevant manufacturer's details etc.) to accompany your application.
You may need a fire report design and compliance schedule and a certificate of public use:
- Building Warrants of Fitness and Compliance Schedule Information
- Form 15: Certificate of Public Use - PDF, 197KB
- Draft Compliance Schedule - PDF, 42KB
Then book a vetting appointment to go through your application before you submit.
Residential building consents
To apply for a building consent for residential work you need to complete Building Consent Application Forms:
Make two copies of all information (including specifications, plans, relevant manufacturer's details etc) to accompany your application.
For a re-sited dwelling a re-site report must be included with the application:
- Re-site Report Application form - PDF, 23KB
- Code Compliance Certificate Application (Form 6) - PDF, 108KB
Please also read:
- Guide to Applying for a Building Consent (for simple residential buildings) - PDF, 66KB.
Then book a vetting appointment to go through your application before you submit.

The building consent process
Before starting any building work, we suggest you check out the Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) guide to applying for a building consent.
Some building work may be exempt from requiring consent; however, all building work must still comply with the New Zealand Building Code.
If you think your building work is exempt, we suggest you double check with Council’s Building department and speak to Planning staff to ensure your project won’t breach rules outside of the NZ Building Act.
To apply for a building consent:
1. Obtain application forms
- Download application forms. If your project includes restricted building work, you will also need a Form 2A and a Licensed Building Practitioner notification form.
- Pick up application forms from Council or we can send or email them to you.
2. Complete the application forms
We recommend engaging a design professional to complete these as some fields require knowledge of the NZ Building Act and NZ Building Code.
You can provide us forms either:
- In print, completed manually with your paper-based application
- Download and electronically complete using Adobe Acrobat Reader. For electronic lodgement of building consents, you must complete the form electronically or your applicationmay be rejected. Scanned copies of manually completed forms will not be accepted with electronic applications.
Include these in your application:
- Completed Form 2 application form – make note of the required fields
- A detailed description of the proposed building work
- Completed vetting checklist at the back of the application form. Note: when completing these forms, the page or specification sheet number must be completed in the appropriate column
- Completed form 2A Memorandum from Licensed Building Practitioner for Restricted Building Work. Please note that a Certificate of Design work provided by the designer must:
- Identify all the Restricted Building Work (RBW) they designed or supervised - a full and accurate description is preferable and is in the best interests of the designer, especially where other designers were involved in the project, and although it is not necessary to replicate plans and specifications on the building consent application form, you must clearly reference your design documents
- State that the Restricted Building Work (RBW) complies with the Building Code or, if waivers or modifications of the Building Code are needed, what they are
- Include the Licensed Building Practitioner (LBP) number or your registration number if you are a registered architect or chartered professional engineer
- Completed Licensed Building Practitioner notification form (PDF 236KB) for restricted building work.
3. Collate plans and supporting documents
We cannot process your application without the correct information. The plans and documents you provide should demonstrate how your building design complies with the NZ Building Code.
Your application may include (but is not limited to):
- Site plan with contours
- Foundation plan
- Roof framing plan
- Bracing plan
- Lintel and lintel fixing plan
- Elevations including E2 Risk assessment
- Cross sections
- Roof plan showing downpipes and gutters
- Cladding, Subfloor, Construction details
- Plumbing and drainage plan
- Electrical plan
- Engineers drawings
- H1 calculations
- Product appraisals
- Product installation manuals
- Wastewater reports
- Details
- Engineers producer statements, drawings and calculations
- Subfloor and wall bracing calculations
- Fire report for commercial buildings - List of independent fire designers (PDF 63.2KB)
- Truss layouts and design certificates
- Application for certificate of public use for public buildings
- Geotechnical reports or good ground assessments - List of Structural and Geotechnical Engineers (PDF 50.2KB)
- Specified systems
Geotechnical reports or good ground assessments
Refer to Rotorua Lakes Council's Civil Engineering Standards (PDF, 2.5MB) required for all building applications. For more information on geotech conditions please refer to the Proposed District Plan Maps.
4. A more robust check of your Building Consent application
Council uses this suite of processing checklists when processing your Building Consent application. Processing delays are mainly caused by incomplete or inaccurate applications. Use these checklists to help speed up the process for consent applications.
Checklists are amended due to legislative changes or continuous improvement; therefore, it is important that you regularly use our site to obtain the latest versions.
5. Lodge your application with Council
Lodging a paper application
When you're ready to lodge your paper-based Building Consent application, you will need to book an appointment with a building vetting officer. At an appointment officers can check you have provided everything we need to process your application before you lodge it. This step will help make the building consent process quicker for you.
To ensure availability please phone Council on 07 248 4199 (Mon - Fri 8am - 5pm) for an appointment or use our online Building Application Booking Form.
- For paper lodgement we require 2 copies of all supporting documentation (excluding the application form and form 2A)
- For commercial and industrial building applications, one set must be provided on a USB drive.
**Note: a lodgement deposit must be submitted with your Building Consent - Building fees (PDF 394KB)
We recommend that you or your designer lodge your application in person and deliver to:
- 1061 Haupapa Street, Rotorua or
- Post it to: Rotorua Lakes Council, PO Box 3029, Rotorua Mail Centre, Rotorua 3046
Lodging an electronic application
You can lodge your application electronically by emailing us your application forms and documents.
Email your Building Consent application to however, if size exceeds 140MB please email and request an access code to upload your documents.
Instructions on how to sign electronic application forms (PDF 868KB)
File format and size requirements
- Form 2 application completed electronically
- Files must be in PDF or PDF/A format
- A minimum of 300 DPI
- In colour where possible
- Grouped appropriately
- Named correctly (see requirements below)
- Email is limited to 140MB in size so multiple emails may be required for large applications. If size exceeds 140MB please email and request an access code to upload your documents.
File naming and grouping requirements
Applications for Building Consents
1. Application form/s (BC, CPU, CCC, EOT, COA)
- BC Application
- CPU Application
2. Plans (named Architectural, Structural, Mechanical Services, Hydraulic etc.)
- Plans - Architectural
- Plans - Structural engineering
3. Supporting documentation (named producer statements, calculations, geotechnical reports, fire designs, compliance schedule form etc.)
- Structural engineering PS1 and supporting calculations
- Fire design
- Geotechnical report
- Design memorandum (2A)
- MCM certificates
- Specifications
- Manufacturers technical literature (brand/produce name)
RFI Response
Named as above (only supply relevant documents that have been changed).
Information submitted post building consent
Title of document:
- PS4 & site observation notes
- Electrical certificate
- As built drainage plan
- Record of work (6A)
1. Annual BWOF
- BWOF 1234 – Expiry date (22 June 2023)
2. Annual BWOF supporting documents
- BWOF 1234 – Expiry date (22 June 2023) supporting documents
Emailed applications will continue to be vetted to ensure adequate information has been provided for assessment.
If your application is successful, an invoice for lodgement will be emailed. Once this has been paid, Council has 20 working days to process your Building Consent.
If you need further assistance with this process, please contact our office on 07 348 4199 (8am - 5pm Monday - Friday).
Important note on new work or additions
Any new work, addition to existing building, residential, commercial or industrial will require a suitable soil investigation to justify the foundation design and demonstrate compliance with the Building Code. If you would like to speak to a building officer about this requirement as it applies to your consent please contact Council on 07 348 4199.
Building inspection checklist
Before you apply for a building inspection, ensure you are ready by using these inspection checklists. These may change with legislation, so it's important to use the up-to-date forms on our website.