Te Pou Pānui - Community Event Signboards

Promote and share your event
Te Pou Pānui is an initiative to help community groups, clubs and businesses share and promote events to locals and visitors. Te Pou Pānui are a way to safely, legally and economically advertise events without having to apply for permits and/or resource consents.
We hope Te Pou Pānui become key information hubs to find out what events and activities are taking place in our rohe.
Te Pou Pānui can be found in six locations around Rotorua:
- Corner of Fairy Springs Road and Kawaha Point Road
- Corner of Lake Road and Ranolf Street ('hospital hill')
- Fenton Street - opposite Malfroy Road intersection
- Te Ngae Road - opposite entrance to Puarenga Park
- Corner of Tarawera Road and Titokorangi Drive
- Old Taupo Road - Centennial Park
Booking information:
Te Pou Pānui are available to both community and commercial entities. Rotorua Lakes Council has negotiated competitive pricing for booking fees and for installation and removal of the signs.
Each event advertising space must be booked for a minimum of two weeks and up to a maximum of six weeks depending on availability.
Sign designs and printing must meet all criteria set out in the booking agreement terms and specifications sheet - see below:
Te Pou Pānui - booking sheet and agreement terms
Te Pou Pānui - advertising sign design and print specifications
For more information about Te Pou Pānui or to book your space please email: rotoruavenues@rotorualc.nz
Find out what events are happening in Rotorua
Sign rules
It is important that our community adheres to signage rules set by Rotorua Lakes Council via the District Plan and also the Signs on Roads Bylaw 2015.
These rules apply to all signs visible to the public - even if they are on private property.
Appendix 8 - Rotorua District Plan
Signs on Roads Bylaw 2015
If you have questions relating to signage please contact Council's Customer Centre on 07 348 4199 or info@rotorualc.nz