What is Stormwater?
Stormwater is rainwater that falls onto land and buildings, runs into gutters and downpipes, soaks into the ground or runs off hard surfaces and into waterways.
Industrial Stormwater Licence
If your business includes an activity listed on the high risk table, or includes unsealed yard areas, you are required to hold a stormwater licence.
Stormwater and your property
If stormwater is not carried away quickly, flooding can occur, resulting in property damage and sometimes personal danger.
Council's stormwater services
Council provides reticulated piped stormwater drainage systems in urban areas. These systems carry your property's stormwater into local streams and lakes.
Council must have consent from the relevant regional council to discharge stormwater into waterways.
Help with stormwater issues
For problems with your personal property - for example, the gutters, drains and soak holes - contact a drainlayer or plumber.
If you identify any other stormwater issues, you can inform us of your concerns by filling out the "FixIT" online form, or contact the council's Customer Centre directly.
Stormwater connections and disconnections
Rotorua Lakes Council has a stormwater connections/disconnections process that enables Council to manage the stormwater network.
Visit stormwater connections and disconnections for information on how to connect and disconnect to the Rotorua Lakes Council's stormwater system.