Travel Planning
Encouraging people to walk, cycle, use public transport, carpool, and reduce their overall need to travel not only makes environmental sense, but is also good for reducing traffic on our roads. A travel plan looks at how to reduce the number of vehicles coming into a location by utilising walking, cycling, skating, scooting, bussing and ride sharing. It is not anti-car but is about how to encourage people to look at their car use and choose healthier and cheaper alternatives where available.
A travel plan will vary from school to school. For some it will be a written document signed off by the board of trustees while for others it will be a statement of intent. It is important to note that a travel plan is an active process, which will change over time and needs flexibility to be successful.
The key components to a successful travel plan are:
- Commitment to reducing car usage, especially single occupancy vehicles.
- Commitment to promoting the active alternatives to car use.
- Leadership and ownership of the travel plan.
- Tailored to meet the specific needs of the school.
- Simple, clear, self-managing and measurable objectives.
Download your School Travel Plan starter pack or email us on to start creating your school travel plan today
Encouraging staff and colleagues to walk, cycle, use public transport, carpool, and reduce their overall need to travel not only makes environmental sense, but is also good for your businesses bottom-line. Increasing physical activity within your workforce will boost productivity and reduce absenteeism.
Providing information and promoting travel options to work may be all some employees need to get them started. Below is useful information if you are keen to get started.