Information for lake residents using rubbish bags
Kerbside collection for rubbish bags
Kerbside collection of Council bags is available in most areas at Lake Rotoiti, Lake Rotoehu, Lake Rotomā and Lake Okareka.
Please put your rubbish out by 7.30 am on collection day. For lakes areas, collection day is Monday. Christmas Day is the only public holiday that can change the day of kerbside collection for Monday areas – if Christmas Day falls on a Monday, collections will move to Tuesday for that week.
Make sure your bags are firmly tied and wherever possible, place them away from other objects on the verge of the kerbside, away from cars, and not on the road. If the roadside is not suitable, call Council’s Customer Solutions team on 07 348 4199 for advice on the best place to leave your bag.
What can you put in the bags?
Your red bag is for general household rubbish that cannot be recycled. Please note that there are some things which cannot go into your rubbish bag. These include:
Explosives and flammable material (including gas bottles) | Hazardous waste |
Liquid chemicals (e.g. herbicides, insecticides) | Strong household cleaners (e.g. bleach) |
Dry chemicals | Automotive products (e.g. car, boat or truck batteries) |
Paints and solvents | Dead animals/pets |
Hot material (e.g. ashes) | Medical sharps |
These items need to be taken to landfill for suitable disposal – please discuss with landfill staff.
What if I need more Council rubbish bags?
Additional bags can be purchased for $1.70 each or a bundle of 10 for $17. You can purchase from:
- Rotorua Recycling Centre – 24 Te Ngae Road, Rotorua.
- Ōkere Falls Transfer Station (refer above for opening hours).
- Tarawera Transfer Station (refer above for opening hours).
Can I switch between bags and bins?
If you live in an area which can be serviced for wheelie bins, you may be able to switch from bags to bins. We encourage this switch as bins are more environmentally friendly and safer for our collections staff. Please make your choice carefully as residents who switch to bins cannot return to a bag service. If you would like to switch to bins, please call Council on 07 348 4199.
What do I do with my recycling?
The following items are accepted for recycling as part of Council services:
- Paper and cardboard.
- Plastics numbered 1, 2 and 5.
- Aluminium and steel cans.
- Glass jars and bottles.
Recyclables can be dropped off for free at the following locations:
- Okere Falls Transfer Station: 15 Okere Road (Thursday – Sunday, 8.30am – 12pm).
- Tarawera Transfer Station: Tarawera Road, between Green Lake and Buried Village (Thursday and Sunday, 1pm – 4.30pm).
- The Recycling Centre: 28 Te Ngae Road (Monday – Saturday, 7.30am – 4.30pm, Sunday, 9.30am – 4.30pm).
Glass only recycling bins for bottles and jars are available at the Rotoiti Sports Club and Tamatea Street in Rotoiti, and Merge boat ramp in Rotomā.
Please ensure all recyclables are empty and clean, and lids are removed and placed into the rubbish.
More information on recycling in Rotorua
What if I rent out my property to holiday makers?
Have clear information about rubbish collections and drop-off areas available to people who stay at your property. Let them know what they should do with any rubbish or recyclables they generate while staying.
The following information sheet can be used to provide this information – please get in touch with our Customer Services team on 07 348 4199 if you would like a printed copy sent to you:
Holiday home rubbish bag instructions - (PDF, 212KB)