Parking Fines
Infringement Offence | Fee |
Any parking offence involving parking on a road in breach of a local authority bylaw, in excess of a period fixed by a meter or otherwise, where the excess time is: | |
not more than 30 minutes | $12.00 |
more than 30 minutes but not more than 1 hour | $15.00 |
more than 1 hour but not more than 2 hours | $21.00 |
more than 2 hours but not more than 4 hours | $30.00 |
more than 4 hours but not more than 6 hours | $42.00 |
more than 6 hours | $57.00 |
You may incur a $40 fine for parking
- on a footpath
- on a corner, bend or rise
- within six metres of a bus stop marked only by a sign
- across a vehicle entrance
- near a fire hydrant
- in a loading zone
- causing damage to grass
- the wrong way on a one-way street
- failing to pay when parked in a paid parking area
- over a line marking a parking space
- in an area restricted to motorcycles
- incorrect kerb parking
- incorrect angle parking
You may incur a $60 fine for parking
- on or within six metres of an intersection
- on or near a pedestrian crossing
- on broken yellow lines
- on a clearway
- in a special vehicle lane
- on a marked bus stop
- or taxi stand
- or for double parking
- inconsiderate parking
You may incur a $150 fine for
- worn or damaged tyres (tread less than 1.5mm)
- Parking in a mobility park when not displaying a current mobility permit
You may incur a $200 fine for
- failing to display a current warrant of fitness
- failing to display a current licence label (registration)
- parking without licence plates, or with incorrect licence plates
You may incur a $600 fine for
- failing to display a current certificate of fitness