Hazardous substances
Hazardous substances are substances that can harm people, the environment or property. They could be highly flammable, explosive, toxic or poisonous.
Hazardous facilities (including stationary vehicles) are sites or premises where hazardous substances are stored, used or disposed of.
Hazardous substances law
Several Acts of Parliament regulate the storage, use, transport and disposal of hazardous substances:
- The Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA)
- The Land Transport Act 1998 and associated rule: Dangerous Good 1999 and NZ standard 5433: 1999 - Transport of Dangerous Goods on Land
- The Local Government Act 2002
Guidelines for your business
Auto mechanics (97KB)
Dry cleaning (82KB)
Engineering/metal working (82KB)
Dairy farming (81KB)
Sheep and cattle farming (95KB)
Furniture manufacturing (80KB)
Laundromats (80KB)
Photographic processing (81KB)
Printing (81KB)
Tyre re-treading (94KB)
How to make sure that your business complies with the Rotorua District Plan
- Make a hazardous substances list.
- List the hazardous substances that you propose to store for your business, and estimate the maximum quantities that you intend to hold on your site.
- Add the quantities of hazardous substances.Add up the proposed quantities of hazardous substances according to the broad substance categories listed on the leaflet relating to your business.
- Compare your quantities against the quantities in the table.Compare the quantities of hazardous substances you propose to store against those listed on the leaflet for the zone you propose to locate in. If they are lower, your business may proceed as a permitted activity and you do not need to apply for resource consent. If they are higher, you will need resource consent and must contact Council.
- Check whether any distance-to-boundary rules apply.Specific distance-to-boundary rules apply for sensitive environments such as lakes, streams and springs or residential areas, rural villages or lakeside settlements.
- Make sure your proposed design complies with relevant minimum performance standards.In the design and development of your site, make sure you comply with all minimum performance standards for your business.