Re-site, Demolition and Removal
Within the Rotorua District
If you would like Council to inspect the building prior to relocating it within or outside the area. make an appointment for a building officer to inspect the building and prepare a re-site report. Use this application form: Re-site Application Form (PDF 93KB)
Remember in most cases the re-siting of a building is restricted building work and the plans will need to prepared by a design LBP and the work will also need to be undertaken by registered building LBP.
- Apply for a building consent and project information memorandum, for the property from which the building is being removed from. Removal or demolishing process Services may need to be disconnected. You may need to pay a damage deposit, which will be refunded after the work is successfully completed.
- Apply for another Building Consent and Project Information Memorandum Form 2, for the property to which the building is to be re-sited. With this application, submit a copy of the re-site report with photos etc. See Building Consent Applications and Requirements.
From outside the Rotorua District into the Rotorua District
Apply to Rotorua Lakes Council for a building consent and project information memorandum. With this application, submit a copy of the re-site report from the local authority from where the building is being removed, photographs of the building and 2 sets of plans.
From site to removal yard
Apply to Council for a building consent for the site from where the building is being removed. (See demolishing or removal process) You do not need to submit a re-site report. Services may need to be disconnected. You may need to pay a damage deposit, which will be refunded after the work is successfully completed.
From a removal yard to a site within the Rotorua District
- Make an application for a re-site report to be done by a building officer.
- Apply for a building consent and project information memorandum for the property to which the building is to be re-sited. Submit 2 copies of the re-site report, photographs of the building and 2 sets of plans with the application. You may be required to supply more information as a result of any remedial work required from the re-site report.
On the same site
- Make an appointment for a building officer to inspect the building and prepare a re-site report.
- Apply for a building consent and project information memorandum.
Building upgrades
The re-site report may identify remedial or upgrade work. This work will become a condition of the building consent.
Refer to Guide for building work consent not required to see if a building consent is required for the demolition of a building.
If no building consent is required, for a nominal fee, council will record this information on your property file. Use this form, Assessment of Exempt Building Work (PDF 100KB) to notify council.
However, if no building consent is required, you are obligated to inform council of any disconnections to water, stormwater and wastewater. This notification will be forwarded to the ratese department for adjustment of the annual rates charges.
Council's Customer Centre staff are able to help you complete the required paper work to notify council of the exempt building work.
Where the demolition of a building does not fit within the scope of the guide for building work consent not required then a buiding consent must be obtained prior to any building or plumbing/drainage work being underaken.
To apply for a building consent for demolition work you need to complete:
Make two copies of the site plan detailing the buildings to be removed, site fencing and where/how all services are to be terminated and complete the Removal Declaration Form.