Sent: Thursday, 25 January 2024 3:35 pm
Subject: Official Information request - Tarawera Sewerage Reticulation Scheme
I refer to your Official Information Act (LGOIMA) request of 28 December 2023 regarding the Tarawera Sewerage Reticulation Scheme, and respond below to the four requests:
1. A full, comprehensive and unedited copy of the Trility Report specifically detailing all the recommended / planned stage 2 connections details to all the proposed 446 HUEs.
There is no Trility report showing Stage 2 connection details. This part of your request is therefore declined under section 17(e) of LGOIMA ‘that the information does not exist.’
There are separate locality plans for each property’s connection which are confidential to each property.
2. A copy of the stage 1 tender document AND any/all stage 1 contracts as agreed and signed with any third party.
- On 9 June 2022, the result of the review of the preliminary scheme cost offer and a recommendation on how to progress the project was submitted to the Strategy, Policy and Finance Committee meeting of Council. The preliminary cost estimate provided for the Trunk Mains construction was within reasonable proximity to budgetary estimates, subject to further value engineering and price optimisation.
- The MfE subsidy of $6.5M included a condition that the total subsidy money be spent during the 2023 year. Decoupling Stage 1 from Stage 2 enabled Stage 1 to proceed as a stand-alone contract and thereby allow Rotorua Lakes Council to disburse the $6.5M MfE subsidy. Value engineering/price optimisation of the Stage 1 design continued in order to further reduce the Stage 1 costs.
- Council on 25 August 2022 noted the results of the engagement with the Tarawera community, in particular, the majority support for a two-stage implementation of the Tarawera Sewerage Scheme and that further work will be undertaken by officers to compress as far as possible the Stage 2 pricing during the 2022/23 year and report back to Council and the Tarawera community.
- Council resolved that the Chief Executive be given delegated authority to negotiate directly and enter into a contract with Fulton Hogan Ltd for the construction of Stage 1 of the Tarawera Sewerage Scheme up to maximum value of $15,000,000.
- Attached (Attachment 1) is the contract awarded to Fulton Hogan for Stage 1 (PDF 5.6MB). Redactions have been made under Section 7(2)(b) of LGOIMA ‘protect information where the information would disclose a trade secret or unreasonably prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied or who is the subject of the information’.
3. A detailed and clearly readable plan of exactly where the pipeline infrastructure covered under stage 1 is to be positioned on all roadways and branch lines and where it will be connected to the Okareka line.
Attached (Attachment 2) is a Trility/Stantec report showing the pipeline detailed design for Stage 1 (PDF 4.9MB)
4. A copy of the stage 2 tender document AND any/all stage 2 contracts as proposed, agreed or signed with any third party.
Attached are: