Sent: Wednesday, 9 October 2024 5:30 pm
Subject: Funding for rural and lakeside communities' reticulated wastewater network
I refer to your LGOIMA request of 7 October 2024 regarding funding for rural and lakeside communities’ reticulated wastewater network, and respond to your questions below:
On page 33 of the Kainga Ora Infrastructure Acceleration Fund RFP Response Form dated 15/10/21 it states;
RLC (Rotorua Lakes Council) has also committed $36M over the next 10 years to connect a number of rural and lakeside communities to the reticulated wastewater network.
What happened to that commitment?
As previously advised to you on 22 May 2024, the reference to $36m was from the 2021-2031 Long-term Plan and was based on the anticipated total project costs at the time for the Tarawera and Rotoiti/Rotomā sewerage reticulation schemes (not the Council contribution).
How is the $36M going to be apportioned to the Lake Tarawera sewerage reticulation scheme?
As noted above the $36m was made up by the last part of the East Rotoiti scheme and the $29m estimated for the Tarawera scheme. For Tarawera some $8.3m comes from sources such as the MfE ($6.5m) and the balance from RLC and BOPRC subsidies. The net costs of the Tarawera scheme (total estimated costs minus the subsidies) will be funded by the Tarawera property owners under a targeted rate yet to be adopted by Council although Council provided indicative rates in the 2024/34 LTP.
Who from Rotorua Lakes Council supplied this information to Kainga Ora?
The submission of the RFP to Kainga Ora was made on behalf of the Council by the City Development and the Infrastructure Groups.
Did the commitment information affect the criteria for the outcome of the Infrastructure Acceleration Fund payment of $85M, or any other grants that were paid, or are going to be paid to Rotorua Lakes Council from the IAF Fund?
The information provided to Kainga Ora aimed to demonstrate that the District is investing a significant amount in other than stormwater infrastructure, such as the Wastewater Treatment Plant, sewerage reticulation schemes and water supplies so the Crown could support the District’s housing objectives.