Sent: Wednesday, 25 September 2024 9:51 am
Subject: LGOIMA request for information on cultural monitoring and mitigation for the Tarawera Sewerage pipeline
I refer to your Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act request of 31 August 2024 regarding legal and regulatory documentation on the Tarawera Sewerage pipeline, and respond to your specific requests below:
1. Information on the selection process and role of cultural monitors during the construction of the Tarawera Sewerage Scheme, including any reports and findings they have produced.
Attached is the Fulton Hogan Discoveries Protocol (PDF, 1.9MB).
For the section going past Rotokākahi, which is regarded as being the section from the Te Wairoa Pump Station installation to the Rotokākahi/Tikitapu Lookout, this is the sole responsibility of the Rotokākahi Board of Control (RCOB).
The role of Cultural Monitor, under Te Pūtaiki o Tarawera, takes full regard of the mana whenua cultural knowledge of all areas where the pipeline has passed through ie: Rotomahana Parekarangi 6C2B, Rotomahana Parekarangi 6G4, 6G4B, and all Te Wairoa 6J blocks as each of these blocks have their own set of Trustees which will be consulted with by RLC independently.
Discoveries (findings)
One event discovery of a bone occurred near 128 Spencer Road on 7 December 2023. The bone was determined to be a cow bone. Fulton Hogan stopped work and contacted Council and Karen Walmsley as cultural liaison for the area. Please refer to the attached email between Fulton Hogan and Karen Walmsley, Te Pūtaiki o Tarawera - (PDF,188KB), informing of the discovery. Note: Third party contact details have been redacted as per section 7(2)(a) of the Act.
The attached Fulton Hogan Tarawera reticulation monthly report December and January 2024 - (PDF, 188KB) notes the discovery and recognises the bone as being bovine in origin (see page 6).
2. Details of the specific mitigation strategies employed to protect the cultural and environmental significance of Lake Rotokākahi throughout the project.
A Risk Register was developed with the Rotokākahi Board of Control Chair on 1 September 2023 - (PDF, 214KB) (attached). This Risk Register was not formally adopted as following a meeting of owners on 5 November 2023, the RBOC confirmed opposition to the scheme in the Rotokākahi catchment.