Council meeting decisions
Rotorua Future Development Strategy adopted
The Council today adopted Te Tuhinga Hukihuki o te Rautaki Whakawhanake i te Āpōpō o Rotorua, its 2023-2053 future development strategy (FDS), which aims to achieve good urban form and provide for appropriate areas for housing and business if/when growth occurs.
Mayor Tapsell said the FDS would provide guidance and confidence to the community which could now see where [housing and business] growth could be located and what Rotorua could look like in the future.
She thanked the hundreds of community members, including many young people, iwi representatives and local experts, who provided input and shared their views and aspirations.
The Mayor said she was very happy to support the locally-led and locally-informed strategy.
Read more about this HERE on Council’s website.
Go to p17 of the meeting agenda to read the report on this matter, see the presentation slides relating to this matter HERE and go to THIS LINK in the meeting recording to watch this part of the meeting.
Related documents can be found HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE
Re-establishment of a Youth Council
Elected members today endorsed re-establishing a Youth Council with Mayor Tania Tapsell and Councillor Fisher Wang, both former youth councillors, appointed as the Council representatives.
The move is in recognition of the need to provide opportunities for young people and include their voices in decision-making.
The youth population of Rotorua is higher than the national average and Rotorua Lakes Council supported a youth council between 2000 and 2017, then moving to a more multi-faceted approach to engaging and collaborating with youth.
It is expected the Youth Council will have 11 members who will meet monthly and provide a youth perspective in various council projects and work programmes.
Cr Wang said Rotorua had a very youthful population but young people were under-represented and it was important to hear their voice and increase engagement with local government.
Mayor Tapsell said re-establishing a youth council aligned with Council’s priority for authentic engagement and engagement and to show young people Council valued them and believed in their potential. Decisions to be made now would impact young people into the future, she said.
“We have nothing to lose and everything to gain … and this is a way to fulfil our obligation to support young people in our community.”
The primary purpose of the Youth Council will be to encourage young people to actively participate and have a voice in local governance and decision-making, to foster leadership and development and develop young people’s governance skills.
It is envisaged the Youth Council will play an active role in key priorities, policy and planning including the long-term plan process, inner city revitalisation, climate action and the development of a youth voice strategy for the Council.
The start-up/establishment cost will be covered by the current Thriving Communities operational budget and ongoing budget will be sought through long-term plan and annual plan cycles.
Go to p86 of the meeting agenda to view the report on this matter.
View the presentation slides on this matter HERE and go to THIS LINK in the meeting recording to watch this part of the meeting.
Adoption of community outcomes for 2024-34 Long-term Plan
Council has today adopted a set of community outcomes for inclusion in consultation on its Long-term Plan (LTP) which will set out the work programme for the 10 years from July 2024 and how it will be funded.
The adoption of community outcomes is a significant part of Council’s strategic direction-setting.
As part of developing their draft 2024-34 Long-term Plan (LTP), elected members have further developed their initial priorities (economy, community, infrastructure and housing) to establish nine community outcomes for inclusion in the LTP. While consultation on these is not required under current legislation, Council decided today that it will seek locals’ views.
The community outcomes adopted by Council today are:
- ACTIVE: The accessibility of our lakes, forests, open space networks and the quality of our facilities create opportunities for everyone to be active throughout their lives.
- SAFETY: Our communities, businesses and visitors feel safe across our district.
- MANA WHENUA/TĀNGATA WHENUA ASPIRATIONS: We recognise and support the aspirations of Tāngata Whenua/Mana Whenua and partner to grow economic and social opportunities and benefits for everyone.
- HOUSING: All residents have access to a range of housing optionsthat ensures they can live in quality homes that are safe and healthy.
- EMPLOYMENT & ECONOMY: We enable businessesto grow with confidence through increasing investment opportunities. There are employment options across a range of sectors.
- TOURISM: We are a world class destination, with a vibrant inner city and a positive reputation.
- ENVIRONMENT – MAURI TAIAO: We are committed to protecting and improving our lakes, waterways and forest environments.
- CONNECTED AND RESILIENT: Our communities are cohesive and prepared for the effects of climate change, natural hazards and we invest in safe and reliable infrastructure.
- ARTS AND CULTURE: Rotorua’s unique cultural identity is the foundation for attracting and delivering a diverse range of events, increasing vibrancy and activity and driving economic and community benefits within our facilities and for our district.
Go to p83 of the meeting agenda to view the report on this matter.
Go to THIS LINK in the meeting recording to watch this part of the meeting.
Also on the agenda
Declaration of new Rural Community Board member
John Atkinson, voted onto the Rotorua Rural Community Board in a recent by-election following the resignation of a previous member, made his declaration at today’s meeting.
Go to p14 of the meeting agenda to view the report on this matter.
Go to THIS LINK in the meeting recording to watch this part of the meeting.
Updates from InfraCore
Council received updates from council-controlled organisation InfraCore presented by the CCO's board chair John McRrae Interim Chief Executive Regan Fraser.
Go to p72 of the meeting agenda to view the report on this matter.
View the presentation slides relating to the Infracore update HERE and go to THIS LINK in the meeting recording to watch this part of the meeting.
Urgent item re court ruling on fluoridation directive
Cr Robert Lee raised an urgent item relating to the High Court decision that fluoridation directives made to a number of councils, including Rotorua Lakes Council, to fluoridate public water supplies, are illegal. He questioned whether the council intended to continue progressing with implementation of the directive given it had been deemed illegal. Interim Chief Executive Gina Rangi explained that the court ruling did not overturn the directive but the organisation had sought guidance from the Director General of Health about how she intended to proceed. In the meantime, she said, the organisation was pausing implementation of fluoridation until there was clarity and a decision on how to proceed could be made.
Go to THIS LINK in the meeting recording to watch this part of the meeting.
Petition on fluoridation received
Council received a petition asking Rotorua Lakes Council to protect its community members who are opposed to fluoridation of local water supplies, as has been directed by the Director General of Health. Petitioner Teresa Brown spoke to the petition.
View the petition HERE on Council’s website and go to THIS LINK in the meeting recording to watch this part of the meeting.
Schedule of meetings for 2024
Council adopted its schedule of meetings for the 2024 calendar year.
Go to p81 of the meeting agenda to view the report on this matter and view the year planner at THIS LINK on Council’s website.
Progress reports
Council received progress reports from the Corporate Services (including a brief financial update), Corporate Planning and Governance and Te Arawa Partnerships groups.
Go to p92 of the meeting agenda to view the Corporate Services report, view the presentation slides relating to financials HERE and go to THIS LINK in the meeting recording to watch this part of the meeting.
Go to p99 of the meeting agenda to view the Corporate Planning and Governance report and THIS LINK in the meeting recording to watch this part of the meeting.
Go to p111 of the meeting agenda to view the Te Arawa Partnerships report and THIS LINK in the meeting recording to watch this part of the meeting.