16 November 2023
Media: Rotorua Daily Post
Topic: Geothermal activity at Ohinemutu
I am following up on the news that the Waitangi Day celebrations next year have been moved from Ōhinemutu due to increased geothermal activity on the Ruāpeka.
Original story: https://www.nzherald.co.nz/rotorua-daily-post/news/kahu-ki-rotorua-new-venue-for-waitangi-day-celebrations/4D2NYKM3QZFVFFBEYGYHRJOXHQ/
- What exactly is happening there in terms of the increased geothermal activity? And exactly where is it?
- What is causing the increased geothermal activity?
- Are there any risks of the ground opening up as seen on Meade St, Whakarewarewa?
- Is the council monitoring the increased geothermal activity?
- What are the risks?
- Risks to the surrounding land
- Risks to nearby properties
- What is the advice to people in the area? Should the area be avoided?
- Should businesses, homes, churches and villages in the area move?
- What would be the signs to move?
- Any other comment is welcome.
Reporter was informed that: Rotorua Lakes Council has not been made aware of any substantial geothermal activity at Ohinemutu or concerns relating to increased geothermal activity there so we’re not able to provide you with any information or commentary re this.
Media: Rotorua Daily Post
Topic: Liquor licence hearing outcome
Having received a copy of the new licence issued for Ambrosia, the reporter asked if there was "a decision document that shows the arguments from each of the parties and those who gave submissions etc?"
We informed the reporter this part of her request would be processed as a formal request under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act (LGOIMA).