Aquatic Centre update
19 June 2021
The outdoor changing rooms at Rotorua Aquatic Centre are about to get a makeover.
From 28 June local company Burton Construction & Maintenance Limited will take over the site and will be working to give the changing rooms a fresh new look.
The refurbishment will increase the number of toilets and showers in each of the changing rooms and will improve accessibility for users. The geothermal heating under the seats within the rooms will also be reinstated.
This will be the second project to get underway as part of the wider redevelopment of the centre.
Jocelyn Mikaere, council’s DCE of Community Wellbeing says this next step will help to complete the enhancements for the outdoor 50m pool area.
“The upgrade of the 50m pool was successful and feedback about the new space has been really positive, so we’re keeping the momentum going and this next project will really improve the experience for people using the pool.”
“We are awaiting the outcome of the 2021 – 2031 Long-term Plan and we look forward to sharing the next steps for the full facility redevelopment with the community.”
The construction period for the refurbished changing rooms is expected to take about 12 weeks. During that time pool users will need to use the indoor changing facilities.
Access to the 50m pool will still be available during the work period.
The refurbishment work includes:
- Increased number of showers
- Increased number of toilets
- Improved accessibility
- Geothermal heating reinstated under seating
- Additional drainage
- Exterior painting and roof repair
- Minor cosmetic changes
Background information
The community told Council that it values the Aquatic Centre as a facility for locals to use and enjoy. Council reflected this feedback in the 2018-2028 Long-term Plan within which it set out $7.5 million to go towards the initial stages of the redevelopment of the Aquatic Centre facilities.
Initial upgrades have been focussed on the refurbishment 50m outdoor pool and the outdoor changing rooms and investigations into the replacement or refurbishment of the pool hall roof.
The full redevelopment of the Aquatic Centre was signalled as requiring major investment in the 2021-2031 Long-term Plan and options for the level of investment were put to the community for consultation earlier this year.
The 2021-2031 Long-term Plan is set to be adopted by Councillors on 28 June 2021.
For more information about the Aquatic Centre Redevelopment head to