Infrastructure upgrades in Western Heights
Construction involves converting the estimated 375 metres of open drains on Clayton Road to underground pipes, which will create space to build a shared path on the surface. This will connect with the shared path at Pukehangi Road, and help to provide a safer and more direct route for local school students and active commuters.
You can learn more about Rotorua's comprehensive shared path network, here.
Originally, the project was due to start in March but was paused due to the COVID-19 Alert Level 4 restrictions. These upgrades to the existing stormwater system in the Pukehangi/Western Heights area are progressing steadily and expected to be complete by the end of October 2020.
The community have responded well to the traffic management procedures in place during construction, and have been patient and accommodating while the works progress.
Council currently maintains over 250km of piped networks and 150km of open channels that form the city's stormwater network.
In the 2018-2028 Long Term Plan, the capital spend on Rotorua's stormwater systems is budgeted at $38.9 million total, for the 10-year period. This expenditure is critical to maintaining the functionality of existing assets and meeting the demands of growth and environmental changes.