Next contract awarded for lakefront development

17 December 2019
Contract awarded for beginning of Stage 2 of lakefront development
The first contract for Stage 2 of the lakefront development has been awarded to Waiotahi Contractors.
This contract is to complete the enabling works for the new playground and new toilet block which is part of Stage 2 of the phased development. This work will involve realigning wastewater pipes, installing new water reticulation and stormwater lines, and preparing the ground for construction.
A large part of this work will involve preloading the ground where the new playground and toilet block will be built. Preloading is where a large amount of heavy soil is loaded onto an area to compact and stabilise the ground.
Site fences have gone up this week to allow the contractors to begin testing and locating service pipes. Construction will get underway in early 2020 with preloading expected to begin in March and be in place for six months. These works will require some periodic traffic management and partial road closures. Disruption will be minimised wherever possible. The construction fence line is outlined on the map below.
Throughout this time the Volcanic Playground at the lakefront will remain accessible.
Rotorua Lakes Council's, Group Manager Strategy, Jean-Paul Gaston, says We're looking forward to working with Waiotahi Contractors and getting this next section of work underway. This will lay the foundation for the construction of the new destination playground which is definitely a key feature of the development and what much of the community is waiting in anticipation for.
While this work is underway, the design team including Veros Property Services, Tonkin & Taylor, & architects from Isthmus Group, will continue working on the plans for the western end of the lakefront where the commercial development will be.
Stage 1 of the lakefront development began in late October and is now well underway. Learn more about this HERE.
Construction of the entire lakefront development is being completed in stages to ensure parts of the lakefront reserve are always accessible. Entertainment and activities will continue to feature at the lakefront to ensure the reserve is still an enjoyable place to be even throughout construction.
However if people would like to avoid the construction all together, Rotorua has a number of alternative parks and reserves to visit including Kuirau Park, Hannahs Bay, or Lake Tikitapu reserve.
In partnership with Central Government's Provincial Growth Fund, Rotorua Lakes Council is managing an investment of $40 million ($19.9m from the Provincial Growth Fund, $20.1m from Council) between now and 2021 to transform this recreational, economic and cultural resource. The lakefront design has been made possible through the support of our partners, the Gifted Reserves Committee (Pukeroa Ōruawhata Trust) and Te Arawa Lakes Trust. The design reflects the heritage and ongoing contribution of Ngāti Whakaue and Te Arawa to the Rotorua district. Together, our vision is to develop the lakefront into an outstanding recreational area that will benefit locals, support tourism, and encourage private investment, which will in turn create new jobs and benefit Rotorua's community.
Learn more about this project at