22 November 2019
First stage of lakefront construction well underway
Stage one of the lakefront redevelopment has started well with contractors already making great progress.
The temporary pathway between the lakefront redevelopment and the spa development site was constructed earlier than anticipated and is being well used by both pedestrians and cyclists.
Within the construction site, HEB has begun working on the lake edge where the new boardwalk and terracing will be created. Currently they are deconstructing the existing walkway. The timber and red paving stones from this area will be recycled as much as possible.
The timber has been transported offsite temporarily and will be later used in the construction of the new playground.
Some of the red pavers will be stored offsite and reused in footpaths and at parks and playgrounds when maintenance is required. Others have been donated to the Putaruru Timber Museum and local marae.
Rotorua Lakes Council's Group Manager Strategy, Jean-Paul Gaston, explains what visitors can expect to see at the lakefront in coming weeks.
The next steps will involve installing sheet piles along the lake edge, which will form a barrier around the construction work within the lake. This means the current construction fence-line will be extended and a large section of the lake edge will not be accessible. We understand this will cause some inconvenience, especially as we head into the summer months and appreciate your patience while this work is underway. Contractors are aiming to begin this work within the next two weeks and it will be ongoing until 2021.
During the 2019/2020 summer, the Volcanic Playground and surrounding car parks and walkways will remain accessible. The lakefront commercial operators and markets will also continue as usual.
The map below shows the extended construction zone that will begin to be fenced off next week.
For safety purposes, people visiting the lakefront are reminded to stay outside of the construction zone and to follow all signage and instructions from contractors on-site.
In partnership with Central Government's Provincial Growth Fund, Rotorua Lakes Council is managing an investment of $40 million ($19.9m from the Provincial Growth Fund, $20.1m from Council) between now and 2021 to transform this recreational, economic and cultural resource. The lakefront design has been made possible through the support of our partners, the Gifted Reserves Committee (Pukeroa Ōruawhata Trust) and Te Arawa Lakes Trust. The design reflects the heritage and ongoing contribution of Ngāti Whakaue and Te Arawa to the Rotorua district. Together, our vision is to develop the lakefront into an outstanding recreational area that will benefit locals, support tourism, and encourage private investment, which will in turn create new jobs and benefit Rotorua's community.
Learn more about this project at rotorualakescouncil.nz/lakefrontdevelopment.