Mayoral Manaakitanga Relief Fund approved
1 June 2018
Almost $35,000 has already been donated to flood affected residents, but more donations are being sought.
The terms of reference for the Mayoral Manaakitanga Relief Fund was approved at yesterday's full council meeting. The fund has been set up for those wanting to contribute financially to support residents who have been affected by the severe weather event on April 29.
It also helps to attract contributions from the likes of central government and philanthropic organisations.
So far, nearly $35,000 has been donated. In addition, the Bay of Plenty Regional Council this week indicated its commitment to donate $20,000 to the pūtea (fund), but more is still needed to help those affected.
The recovery period is going to be a long process and ensuring our community is well supported is our top priority, says Rotorua Mayor Steve Chadwick.
We know people may be struggling with financial pressures and we hope this fund can help.
Eligibility criteria have also been established along with an assessment committee, which currently includes Mayor Chadwick, Rotorua Lakes Council Community Board chair Shirley Trumper and Te Tatau o Te Arawa representative Ngahuia Hona-Paki.
The fund will provide grants for affected residents in the form of a one-off hardship grant, with priority given to situations where:
- There are extra financial burden or costs due to flooding;
- There is a family or personal crisis;
- Costs are not covered by insurance or other funds such as Work and Income New Zealand.
Anyone affected by the flood can apply for a grant from the Mayoral Manaakitanga Relief Fund, not just those displaced from their homes.
Mayor Chadwick says the ongoing burden on some of those who have been affected is also why it remains critical anyone who was affected registers with Council.
Even if you have insurance and don't feel you need help right now, we need to know what your situation is now and can then track any needs that may arise further down the track, Mayor Chadwick says.
If you or someone you know has been impacted in any way please let Council know by calling free on: 0800 020 001.
A Givealittle page has also been set up to encourage people to donate. The funds raised via Givealittle, go directly into the Mayoral Manaakitanga Relief Fund bank account.
Application forms and Terms of Reference can be found on the Rotorua Lakes Council website,
Details for donations
Account name: Mayoral Manaakitanga Relief Fund
Account number: 02-0412-0234516-006
How: Direct Credit or in person at Rotorua Lakes Council building
Details: No specific statement details are needed
Givealitte: Visit and search Mayoral Manaakitanga Relief Fund'
Other assistance:
Financial assistance is also available through the Ministry of Social Development. You do not have to be on a benefit to receive this. The grants could help with living expenses or urgent and unexpected costs as a result of the flood. In order to receive this, you must be registered with Council's Flood Recovery Office. Call MSD on 0800 559 009 to discuss your options.
Temporary accommodation is available through the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment's Temporary Accommodation Service. The Temporary Accommodation Service (TAS) provides support to people displaced by natural disasters who need help finding a temporary place to stay, while their home is repaired or rebuilt. Those wanting assistance to find temporary accommodation should register their details at or call 0508 754 163.