Public Forums
A public forum is a period of time for the public to address elected members during a meeting of Council.
A period of up to 30 minutes has been set aside during Council meetings and speakers will have a maximum of five minutes to speak.
If you wish to speak at a Council meeting an application to speak must be received by Rotorua Lakes Council at least one day prior to the Council Meeting. We encourage members of the public to apply sooner as this will allow staff appropriate time to answer any questions you may have about the process of speaking at a public forum.
Council meetings are typically held on Wednesdays at 9.30am so this would mean applications to speak close the day prior, Tuesday at 9.30am.
Council will not hold public forums in the pre-election period, three months prior to local government elections.
Speaking at a Public Forum
There are rules around content and conduct when speaking in a public forum, including:
- The matter you’re speaking about must be Council business.
The chairperson also has discretion to decline to hear a speaker or to terminate a presentation at any time where:
- A speaker is repeating views previously heard in the same public forum;
- A speaker has previously spoken on the same issue or topic;
- A speaker is criticising elected members and/or staff;
- A speaker is being repetitious, disrespectful, or offensive;
- The matter is subject to legal proceedings;
- The matter is subject to council hearings, including the hearing of submissions where the council sits in a quasi-judicial role.
Apply to speak at a Public Forum
If you wish to speak at a Public Forum please email the Rotorua Lakes Council governance team:
Make sure you include:
- Your full name
- The meeting at which you wish to speak
- The topic you wish to speak about
- Your preferred contact details
Please note that the governance team will contact you to advise if your application has been accepted and if so, will explain further details about speaking at the public forum.