Future Development Strategy
Why is an FDS needed?
The Rotorua Housing and Business Development Capacity Assessment 2021 identified that Rotorua needs more houses and employment opportunities for our increasing population – we have also heard this from our community.
From the Assessment we know that over the next 30 years Rotorua will need more than 9700 homes and more space for businesses (particularly light industry) to establish themselves here.
The FDS will inform where and how we need to provide for this growth, and will also guide future decision making and investment to manage expected growth.
All Councils are legally required (as part of the National Policy Standard on Urban Development 2020) to plan well for growth, but it’s important to manage growth carefully to enhance our city for the benefit of all - now and into the future.
FDS Outcomes
Culture - Te Arawa reo, tikanga and values are woven into our communities and influence how our communities grow
Choice - We have a range of housing choices to meet the diverse needs of our existing and future community
Access - Our people live in a compact city where they can easily access jobs, services, education and quality open spaces
Connection - Our thriving inner city is our social and economic hub – supported by local centres that meet local needs
Prosperity – A strong economy will provide opportunities for our people to thrive. We enable businesses to grow in locations that meet their needs, and the needs of our growing population
Environment - The wellbeing of our taiao is connected to the wellbeing of our communities. We are committed to protecting and enhancing our environment
Resilient – We actively look for opportunities to reduce our environmental impact. Our communities are resilient to the effects of climate change and significant natural hazards
Investment – We prioritise smart investment in safe and reliable infrastructure to enable and support growth, where and when it is needed
Why do we need to manage growth?
Growth impacts how our community experiences living in Rotorua. It impacts how we travel, what resources are accessed, the environment, where we work and the neighbourhoods we live in. It’s important we ensure growth is well-planned and located in the right places to enhance our communities, protect our environment and reduce the impact of climate change.
How has council developed the draft FDS?
Throughout 2022 and early 2023 council held a significant number of pre-engagement sessions with iwi, community and industry representatives. Feedback from those sessions helped develop wellbeing outcomes and potential growth options that will help achieve those outcomes. Once the FDS has reached the final draft stage, it will be shared with the community so that everyone has the opportunity to provide feedback on the proposed strategy.