Background summary
The need to develop a more effective partnership between Te Arawa and Rotorua Lakes Council (Rotorua District Council) was identified by the last Council following the 2012 decision of the Environment Court that recognised the need for the Council to improve iwi consultation. The incoming Council and Te Arawa then committed to developing a new partnership model after the 2013 local government elections. It was mutually acknowledged that the existing mechanism - the Te Arawa Standing Committee - no longer met the needs of both parties and did not effectively assist Council to continue to meet its legal obligations to Māori and Tāngata Whenua (local iwi).
After 12 months of research and iwi consultation the Te Arawa Partnership Model working group presented their model to Council on 18 December 2014.
The Te Arawa Partnership Model working group was:
- Arapeta Tahana
- Kingi Biddle
- Mauriora Kingi
- Potaua Biasiny-Tule
- Rene Mitchell
- Roku Mihinui
- Waereti Tait-Rolleston
- Te Arawa Partnerships Model
Summary - the proposed Te Arawa Partnership Model:
- the establishment on an independent Te Arawa Board sitting outside of the council, to represent iwi interests, with board members elected by the Te Arawa community;
- the Te Arawa Board to forward nominations for appointment to certain council committees, RMA consent hearing panels and strategic working groups. Nominations to be considered and appointments made, solely by publicly elected members on the full council; and
- voting rights for appointed representatives on two of the committees - ie Strategy, Policy & Finance Committee, and Operations & Monitoring Committee. [Note: committee decisions can be overturned by publicly elected members on the full council.
Council considered the proposed model along with three alternative options: Status Quo; Modified Model; and No Formal Partnership and resolved to support the model in principle subject to a Special Consultative Procedure (SCP).
A Statement of Proposal - Proposed Te Arawa Partnership Model has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the SCP process under the Local Government Act 2002.
The statement includes greater information on:
- the proposed model and the reasons for the proposal;
- key considerations (pros and cons) of other practicable options; and
- a description of the consultation and submission process, including the period within which views on the proposal may be provided.
For a copy of the Statement of Proposal including a feedback form please visit the homepage of the Council website; or pick up a copy from City Focus; Rotorua District Library or the Customer Centre at Rotorua Lakes Council, 1061 Haupapa Street. Copies will also be made available at a number of local community centres and marae.
Statement of Proposal
Consultation has now closed
The timetable for the special consultative procedure was:
- Submissions close Apr 17
- Hearings for submitters - April 30 to May 11 (See Hearing Schedules on right-hand-side of page)
- Submissions considered - deliberations and decisions May 26